
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Matthew 6:24

A retired politician told a humorous story  dealing with compromise. He said his late father often told this little story  when he met someone on the road of life who didn't know what to do with their future, asking questions like “what is my purpose for being on planet earth”? So the son said, dad would describe a fence-sitter by saying: My daddy told me there isn’t anything in the middle of the road except dead skunks and a yellow line

Now I know this little story  may  have a political significance to it but the same principle applies in the spiritual dimension – compromise with worldly fleshly  standards does not please us, nor does it fulfill us but most importantly it does not not please God! 

I believe that the influence to COMPROMISE has a lot to do with us making a choice of trust in order to serve God. Our text gives us a clear picture of fence-sitting, two masters competing for your attention and devotion. We need to realize that we will only  be able to make one happy , the other will lead us into a place of lack. Even if you have much materially , there will be a sense of emptiness for we often pursue the accumulation of things or mammon; let's face it - it's the agenda of the world. It's a strong pull on our heart, a mammon focus tends to pivot on our emotions for self-satisfaction. Believers in Christ are called to loyalty – that speaks of faithfulness and commitment to One master. We are to despise the other for Christ has redeemed us from that former state, made all things new including our desires. So with that being said, it would seem that the choice would be easy  -> right!! But often the influence to compromise is stronger because we look around and see others doing or having what are tempted to do or have. The world elevates compromise, but God is quickening us to understand and embrace the truth that we have been given a new nature, we stand on the truth of a better covenant, He supplies all of our needs – be it spiritual or physical, we are sanctified, consecrated and separated from the world, the Bible says I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might. The world cannot give what is already  ours in Christ. If the world looks increasingly  attractive in your season, taking your attention off the Lord, be careful because it is only a copy  of the real thing. It will eventually  disappoint. The carnal Christian finds himself try ing as best he can to walk in spiritual “middle of the road” where he can blend his bent toward self with faith toward God. 

Looking it Revelation 3:15-16 - the Passion Bible says “I know all that you do, and I know that you are neither frozen in apathy nor fervent with passion. How I wish you were either one or the other! But because you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, I am about to spit you from my mouth.” Realize that Compromise doesn't lead to complete rejection for Jesus offers us opportunity  to repent, to turn from a struggling lifestyle, to turn from “a little bit of God and a lot of trusting in our ability  to straddle the middle of the road”-- TO WHAT?? >> to the place of being passionate and zealous for God. The “I am about to...” conveys to us the understanding that God is about to reprimand us, to give us words of correction and rebuke for our looking elsewhere for fulfillment. Mammon will disappoint because it is a temporal worldly  standard that many  are pursuing, always leaving them wanting. Making a choice to trust in God in order to serve Him means you really  believe He will supply  all your needs, that you will reign in this life with Him because you have made Him King of your life. Only in Christ are we made rich 2 Cor 8:9. When you love One Master, you will be loyal to serve Him. That ’s how it works!!