“Temptation” - Who’s to Blame? Part 2 

My son, if sinners entice you, Do Not consent

Proverbs 1:10 

Last week we looked at the source of Temptation realizing that God is not the source! Temptation is a tool that Satan our adversary uses to lure us away from our Biblical foundations is an attempt to curb or snuff out our desire to mature in our faith relationship with Christ. 

Every believer will encounter Temptation. or some, it’s when temptation leads to sin that we often explain our conduct by - blaming others, its my temperament (I’ve always been a very emotional being) or it’s my environment (career, geographical location, my situation-you just don’t understand) or some other excuse that we deem as acceptable. Do I recognize that I may have been enticed to think independently of what Scripture instructs therefore not discerning the possibility that I may have opened a door that has removed me from God’s Garden of Blessing. 

Temptation in Greek, means: “an enticement or inducement to evil.” There are times that God will test us in various ways to “enlarge” our faith. However, God never tempts us to do evil! That would contradict His absolute holiness. Tests from God are for your spiritual growth. Temptations cao do harm if we yield to them BUT when we reject them, we will experience a major spiritual advantage. 

Maybe you have noticed in the last few months the increase in advertising, not only on TV but through mail inserts and via personal encounters. Signs and suggestions are posted on street-light poles, put on your windshield, or maybe oo the bulletin boards at stores or workplaces. The point: These invitations can be very persuasive and often create a desire to consider a different way of thinking! Maybe they will cause you to compromise your ethics – you could experience greater personal gain. Maybe you receive counsel from someone who suggests that you strike back at someone who has hurt you, it could be your spouse, a neighbour or even a Christian! Our passage exhorts, even recommends that we consider the source of this attraction before we act. 

Solomon gives sound advice that is ageless, his intention is that we need to be aware of the snares in this world; we need to function in the wisdom of God’s Word. When we walk in our world on a daily basis, there is always the temptation to listen and walk with sinners that have no desire to serve God, they may try to persuade you to walk in step with them. Not everyone will applaud your decision to follow Christ because of their own lack of courage. Maybe it's time to reevaluate friendships that tend to downplay your relationship with God - realize you need to seek other positive associations. Surround yourself with friends who deposit into your life, realize you can't make it on your own. With Bad friends > bad choices > bad results, You begin to act in inappropriate ways, ingesting wrong messages that reduce your sense of worth. 

In Psalms 1:1 we find encouragement and direction: “blessed and prosperous is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down (to relax and rest) where the scornful mockers gather.”(Amp) Solomon was concerned about his son, that he listen and heed, not forsaking his parents teaching. Godly instruction will be as a garland to grace your head, a chain to adorn your neck. Those who entice you to sin, they are not looking for a leader but may have a fear of following God, choosing their plans and path of evil. 

It is important for us to know God’s Word; it reveals to us that much of our understanding of God and our life choices have been influenced by TV, shows that hinge on a hint of goodness but keep us in the shallow end of the Pool of Truth. The world has defined “fear” as abuse or violence. And because of that, when a Christian says: we should “Fear God '', many react as to a Task Master wanting to punish them. That understanding is far from true – God’s desire is to see you whole, healed and set free, you are of great value to the Lord! Proverbs 4:10 says for us to “hear and receive so that our years will be many, our steps will not be hampered, our path will be clear and when we run -we will not stumble.” Proverbs 23 “Do not envy sinners, but worship the Lord, for your hope and expectations will not be cut off, hear aod be wise, direct your mind in the way of the Lord.” 

Folks, associations are so important to the days in which we live, extreme compromise and invitations to water down truth are voiced in all sectors of society, morals become suggestions in the eyes of the beholder and no longer birthed from God’s Word. 

Let me close with Prov. 16:29 “a violent man entices his neighbour and leads him down a path that is not good.” Some people will choose intimacy with God while others will go against God’s divine plan for their lives. Prov 1:15-19 speaks of man’s wayward heart, we see this when Solomon tells his son twice to “not go along...” that some emotions drive some us into sin, so he tells his son to “run away from...”! you are influencers every day but realize we can also be influenced very easily. Who is influencing You? Acknowledge that you don't know what's best for your life, surrender to Jesus and allow Him to transform your heart, His joy and peace will follow. If you succumb to temptation, ask for forgiveness, Do not blame God. He forgives and ensures a fresh start! That’s an invitation with a greater future.