"When Abram was ninety nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said,  I am the Almighty God; walk and live habitually before Me and be perfect (blameless, wholehearted,  complete) and I will make My covenant between Me and you and will multiply you  exceedingly."  Amp

Genesis 17:1,2

You may have noticed in these days of limited interaction with the public, that folks have taken up the activity of walking, getting out of the house and being refreshed. You can see folks walking down streets or maybe on some quiet roads, enjoying conversation with a few others or just having conversation with the Lord. Walking - pretty amazing, its good for you, the sunshine and the opportunity to get alone and sort your thoughts, you will enjoy it!

Well in our passage, Abraham walked everywhere. Now in the day, if people had a long distance to travel and were wealthy enough, they may have used a camel or a donkey. But the Bible reveals that Abraham walked a great deal in his life. In Genesis 12:1, we read that God spoke to Abram to leave Haran and go to a land that God would show him. And there God would make him a great nation, blessing him with abundance, his name will be famous, and he would disperse good to others. So, Abraham (vs 4) departed as the Lord had directed him.

Genesis chapter 12 tells us that Abraham and his clan left Ur of the Chaldees and set off for the city of Haran, a 600-mile journey. No chariots, no go-trains, no subway. Off to Egypt they went several times, depending on their route it could be 300 miles or more, so it was commonplace for Abraham and his family to walk everywhere.

You and I are called to walk out our faith, it may take us on a short route today but tomorrow our journey may take us through some rough and tough country, no two trips are ever the same. In the Gen 12:1 passage, God has invited Abraham to go on an uninterrupted walk with Him so that in 17:1 Abraham would enjoy a covenant of multiplied blessing.

We can walk with someone but never have a meaningful connection. However, with the Lord He will walk ahead of you, beside and behind you – it’s a shared relationship! You remember in Genesis that Adam walked with God on a regular basis, it was a daily experience, God walked ahead, beside and behind "Adam in the cool of the day." God was sharing an intimate relationship with Adam. In our text, God wanted Abraham to leave his familiar place and go to another that would be revealed.  All the while God was saying, "I will walk with you." It's an invitation to have an (A) Everlasting walk with Him - God was saying Abraham, I have a place for you to dwell, it will be for your advantage, I will bless you there and will never leave you nor forsake you. God is desirous to have a perpetual and unending walk with us, all that was required was (B) Abraham's obedience that God would guide as promised. The Bible teaches us that Abraham didn't always have mountain-top experiences; he had many struggles. He had established many altars where he would praise and worship God, but when in Egypt, he tried to disguise his wife Sarah as his sister to save his own skin and enjoy special favour.

Reading further in Gen 15:2, Abraham is concerned about having no heir. God responds to Abraham's thinking, telling him to count the stars in the heavens, so shall your descendants be. But Abraham and Sarah take matters into their own hands and manufacture the Promise Child through Sarah’s Egyptian slave Hagar. When we disobey God's directives in life, it is simply called rebellion, it will birth unfavourable unimaginable negative results for God's people. Why would God strive with a man who would deceive, lie, and loose sight of God's direction for his life. Has God asked you to walk with Him, is it a short jog where we get distracted and move onto something more appealing, or is it getting tough and you wonder if it is worth it all! This is for a lifetime, its an eternal thing, God is interested in walking perpetually with each of us. He can handle your disappointments; He doesn't abandon you when you begin to doubt. When we falter and go our own way, He is ever present because He values you, He is committed to you, His Son died to bring you up from the bondage of sin and its consequences. He is patient and loving, He knows what is in our heart and mind. If God was there when Adam and Eve sinned and He walked with them out of the Garden, will He not walk with you - He is faithful! Holy Spirit nudges us to come to the Lord and confess and repent, get back in step with God - You have a God-given purpose and a destiny!

You are invited God likes being with you. He watches us enjoy His good creation, loving one another and reflecting His image and Glory, His Love. Joy Purity and Peace. Creator and creature enjoying one another’s company.

Jesus invites you today to follow Him and experience a whole new life, He will open doors of blessing for you. We become more authentic to the image of God within us when we realize the hope of our heart; there is one Promise Marker, He can be trusted completely and without fear, He keeps His promises. (C) Now that is what I call a walk of blessing. Its progressive, its supernatural, the window is open. Your walk today will affect generations to come.


“The Future always looks bright when viewed through the window of Gods Promises”