“Like a drink of cool water to a weary, thirsty soul, so hearing Good News revives the spirit.”

(Passion)Proverbs 25:25

In spite of all the upheaval in our world today, I believe that HOPE must never be dismissed nor allowed to be overcome by discouragement. Do not fear nor be dismayed” Deuteronomy 31. There are many changes and adjustments to process today, but God’s Word is still the Lamp (source) unto our feet and the Light (radiance) unto our path! Everyone will have a story to tell of how God has preserved, protected and empowered us to stand in this season! That must be our testimony every day! Yes, we live in uncertain days according to the agenda of this world but God is not found wanting for a solution to the dilemma of man. He is still the source, He is still the Radiance we seek. He has already spoken many times, be it through the shadows of the Old Testament or in the substance of the New Covenant that Jesus has established for us. The blood of Jesus paid the price once and for All! Our faith is anchored by the truth of God’s Word. If No Word > then No truth > therefore No anchor! The Bible says we will then be influenced by every wind of doctrine if we do not know and experience God’s Love and Plans for our lives.

If you are an early riser in the morning, you will often hear birds singing in the darkness as if they are responsible for awakening the day and ushering in the rising of the sun. Well, sometimes it may appear that darkness is overcoming your light, your enthusiasm. But Know this – even though it is darkest in the 4th watch of the night, (which I believe the world is experiencing now) HOPE will keep you holding fast and stabilize you, its time for us to praise, the Son is about to shine as never before. He is going to touch the faithful, the expectant - that’s encouragement people! WHY?... because there is about to be a vast unveiling and understanding of His Glory in the very near future! We are going to be awakened to a new day.

Folks, Jesus prophesied that the Church will be birthed in God’s Image, so church is not about bricks and mortar. He said it and it happened! You and I are the church, we are the temples, vessels of worship, empowered by Holy Spirit displaying His ever increasing Glory. God wants to use us as a conduit to bring HOPE (expectation) and HEALING (health, restoration, prosperity) through our lifestyle and proclamation to a world that is looking for answers. They will experience it as the church awakens to the rising of the Son, our praises are powerful, we are in the 4th watch; His glorious light is about to invade the vast darkness. Church, do not be silent, but as we anticipate our soon coming together, may there be a deeper focus NOT ON our needs so much as our need to praise and worship the King of kings. Some of our praise is more horizontal than vertical, I believe we need GOD’S intervention in our world, but also to take our eyes of “what we think we don’t have” and realize that HE is all we need. God wants to bless us more than we realize in the finest & final hours of creation as we know it. He is coming for a church, a believing expectant radical worshipping community, washed in the blood of the Lamb.

In Genesis, it states that we are created in God’s Image, therefore God has a profound purpose for humanity. We are moving through a process where we read that God has always existed and His work in our world is intended that “none perish but that all come to faith in Christ” and spend eternity with our Lord as His loving sons and daughters. It can be challenging at times, but yet fascinating for us as humans but also an exciting journey for God, to see the works of His heart and His beloved Son!

If one were to ask “what’s the good news today? Asking someone we know as a Christian, they might smilingly reply, “its the same as yesterday, God loves us.” Together we may rejoice that it will be the same tomorrow. But for

  anyone who does not know Christ, they may take the pessimistic position of saying well “If God doesn’t exist and we have no purpose on earth, then its a mighty mean place....I’d like to have a lot better news for everybody but I don’t.” Well - let me add a closing comment - Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever, but there must be some change in depth and height to that revelation, there has to be more vertical if we are going to be effective horizontally. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ gives you and I a realistic reason for hope. That’s the good news we can proclaim with confidence and boldness. That’s the answer to the riddle of our existence.


Always remember this: “The good news is not that Jesus lived and died, but that He died and lives! Let God hear your praise with that simple yet profound revelation! Thats the cool water that revives the soul today. Hear what the Spirit of God is saying to His children today, we are being prepared for the greatest days of God’s visitation. Spend your time wisely – allow the Word to stir your weary soul.